Denison Pequotsepos Nature Center is a 300 acre nature area and wildlife sanctuary located in Mystic, CT. While visiting nearby Mystic Seaport, we took a day trip to visit the DPNC and the adjacent Mystic Aquarium.
There are 10 miles of hiking trails offering several types of habitats, including shady woods, wetlands, ponds and open meadows. You can observe a variety of wildlife and seasonal flowers while enjoying a relaxing walk over fairly gentle terrain.
We covered several sections of the trail system in the 2 hours we explored the nature center. Also, if you are interested in the history of the property, the Denison Homestead Museum is accessible from one of the trails. It was a warm August day when we visited and after our walk we enjoyed the air conditioning in the Mystic Aquarium, a short walk from the DPNC.
For more detailed information you may visit the DPNC website at
Below are some pictures taken during our visit to the Denison Pequotsepos Nature Center:
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